January 2022: How to Begin

I began making art when I was 30. Well, I had taken an art class in 4th grade too, and I also had a book about how to draw a Mickey Mouse. But I feel that I was still a genuine beginner (lopsided stick-figures and all) in 2016 and that it was the perfect place and time for me to buy a sketchbook and start making marks.
Now it's January and it feels again like the perfect time to begin. Welcome to our first Monthly Guide - the core post I will share each month with reflection, instruction, and something to try. This month I've split out some of the story part into another post which is viewable to everyone, so if you haven't read it yet, check it out.
I want to answer the question of how to begin because, for me at least, it is not as simple as it sounds. Here's how I think about it: