Special Invitation: Creative Recovery Group

Special Invitation: Creative Recovery Group

Hello Easy Does It friends,

Alexander, one of our members, shared an idea with me that for a group of us creatives who could come together periodically to talk freely about their creatives lives, and through connecting with and supporting each other, facilitate what he called "creative recovery." I loved the vision right away – our bodies have healing processes that are always in motion, and it is what keeps us well, adaptive, and growing. Creative healing spaces work in the same way.

I'm writing to extend this invitation in hopes that it resonates with you as well. Alexander will be taking lead on this group, and I'll be around to participate and support as I'm able. The note from Alexander is below. If you are interested, hop on the Discord server to chat with us about making this happen!

Hi everyone! I'm Alexander (he/him 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈) and I'm a writer, an artist, and an aspiring graphic novelist with a background in LGBTQ+ advocacy. We would like to invite you to join us to try something new: a creative recovery and support group for those of us who are looking to heal our creative selves and get past the things that are blocking us from our creativity. This space is open to everyone struggling with creativity in any form, in any aspect of life. Our aim is to allow people to talk about their struggles, triumphs, hopes and fears in a space where it's safe to ask for encouragement or advice. Come join us in the discord server to discuss the logistics of setting up regular virtual meetings that will work with everyone's schedules and to share your thoughts on what would make this space thrive! If you have experience leading groups and/or are interested in being a peer facilitator, please reach out and let us know!

Looking forward to connecting! And don't forgot our August EDI Live class is this Saturday at 12pm PT! See you there.